About the Program

Proposed Toward Zero Exposure Major Revisions (V3.0) - Public Comment Period Open Until Monday, May 5th

This proposed revision streamlines the TZE program to focus on Commitment #1, Eliminate Exposures to Priority Chemicals, to align with RBA’s upcoming Chemical Management Leadership Program (CMLP). To provide comments, please use the Excel spreadsheet and refer to the line numbers in the tracked-changes version of the document, and send to info@towardzeroexposure.org with the  Subject Line: TZE V3.0 Comments, by 5 pm eastern Monday May 5th 2025.

The Toward Zero Exposure program was developed by the members and advisors of the Clean Electronics Production Network, a collaborative multi-stakeholder innovation network, uniting diverse stakeholders including electronics industry brands and suppliers, labor and environmental advocates, governments and other leading experts.

Learn more about our work in the Second Annual Report of the Toward Zero Exposure Program.

Signatories pledge to take action in six areas:


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#1 Eliminate Exposures to Priority Chemicals

Protect workers from exposure to Priority Chemicals in the electronics supply chain, prioritizing elimination or substitution with safer alternatives and protecting workers until that is achieved


#2 Collect Process Chemical Data

Collect data on company and supplier facility use of process chemicals to support collective mapping across supply chains


#3 Foster Worker Engagement and Participation

Build safety systems and culture around process chemical management through support for the maturation of governance systems that protect the health of workers, where workers are consulted, informed and actively participating


#4 Reach into Deeper Tiers

Work with selected suppliers to join the Commitment Program to reduce worker exposure to toxic chemicals in the extended electronics supply chain


#5 Verify and Report

Ensure progress towards implementing the Commitments through verification and annual reporting to workers and the public


#6 Continuously Improve

Continuous improvement across all areas above

Program Alignment and Collaboration

The Toward Zero Exposure Program seeks to align, integrate, support and partner with new and existing electronics industry chemical management leadership programs and other supporting programs using the power of collaboration to protect workers, maintain leadership role and reduce redundancies and duplication for electronics companies.

Alignment and Collaboration Principles

  • Prevent highly toxic chemicals that are no longer in use from re-entering facilities

  • Maintain CEPN/TZE program leadership, goals and ensure “alignment up”

  • Harmonize and align to reduce redundancies and duplication in programs

  • Collaborate with and support partners who align with CEPN’s shared goals 

  • Prioritize transparency and accessibility for the benefit of all stakeholders

  • Recognize and honor complementary roles and strengths of different programs

  • Seek best approaches and methods for integration, including

    • On-ramps and other formal structures between programs

    • Mutual exchange between the governing bodies of collaborating programs



Toward Zero Exposure was developed by the members and advisors of the Clean Electronics Production Network under these guiding principles:

  • Prioritize the elimination and substitution of hazardous priority chemicals and align market signals to encourage chemical suppliers to bring better solutions to market

  • Avoid harmful substitutions

  • Collect data and conduct shared analysis to identify key areas of risk/hazard and protect workers through controls where elimination or substitution is not yet possible

  • Support and enable others to follow through research, education, pathways, and filling data gaps such as safer alternatives

  • Prevent highly toxic chemicals that are no longer in use from re-entering facilities

  • Protect workers through controls where elimination or substitution is not yet possible; ensure that workers are consulted, informed, and actively participating in protecting their health; ensure accountability to workers and the public through verification and progress reporting

  • Systematically expand the program into extended supply chains

  • Support continuous learning and improvement

CEPN members have developed a collection of tools to help support Toward Zero Exposure participants.



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Process Chemicals Data Collection Tool
The Process Chemicals Data Collection (PCDC) Tool, developed and piloted by CEPN members, is a free and publicly available standardized reporting tool that improves the task of collecting and managing process chemicals data. Network members invite all companies in the electronics industry to use the PCDC Tool.

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Alternatives Assessment Guide
The Alternatives Assessment Guide is a concise, high-level guide for identifying and evaluating potential substitutions for Chemicals of High Concern used in electronics manufacturing processes.

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Qualitative Exposure Assessment
The Qualitative Exposure Assessment (QEA) was designed for facilities where workplace chemical exposure data is not available, to help Environmental Health & Safety professionals without specific chemicals training or expertise in industrial hygiene. The assessment identifies workers’ potential risk of exposure to harmful process chemicals and helps determine controls and ways to both reduce exposure risk and improve performance.


The Toward Zero Exposure program provides Signatories options for verification. Signatories can choose a self-declared or third-party verified track for the first round of priority chemicals. CEPN has partnerships to provide third-party verification support.


The Second Annual Toward Zero Exposure program report is now available. Read it here. 

First Annual Toward Zero Exposure Report

Frequently Asked Questions

For more information refer to our FAQ document.